Anti-Parris/Salem Village:


1695 Mean Tax Ratio 1695 Median Tax Ratio
Anti-Parris 15.14 1.30 Anti-Parris 11.25 1.41
Salem Village 11.64 Salem Village 8.00
1700 Mean Tax Ratio 1700 Median Tax Ratio
Anti-Parris 14.93 1.19 Anti-Parris 12.00 1.26
Salem Village 12.53 Salem Village 9.50
Anti-Parris and Salem Village Tax Ratios 1695-1700

Comparing the anti-Parris faction with Salem Village shows modest declines whether examining average or median taxes. The addition to the 1700 tax list of some low-taxed "young men" who had signed the anti-Parris petition affected these results and somewhat masks the positive economic position of the anti-Parris faction in the Salem Village community. Even with these new taxpayers, the anti-Parris group was better off than typical Salem Village taxpayers. But the significant point is that these comparisons do not support the contention that witchcraft's opposition was surging ahead economically.

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